
HOME AGAIN-starring Tatyana Ali

HOME AGAINAs we gear up for our HOME SWEET HOME fundraiser this coming Saturday Jan 11th, I came across another film  entitled “HOME AGAIN” and the idea resonated within me and I know it will for many.

As MA’s Playhouse is currently exploring the idea of home and what that means to people who have come from the Caribbean, so too does HOME AGAIN delve into this complex concept.

This film which was written by Jennifer Holness and directed by Sudz Sutherland follows the lives of three Caribbean born but foreign bred immigrants. They are suddenly deported from their respective foreign countries and taken back to the island of birth, Jamaica. They find not only that they do not fit in but that they do not possess the skills to thrive in an environment that is openly hostile to them.

This brings to mind so many thought provoking questions. Are you still from the Caribbean, if the only claim you have to it is birth? Is birthright enough? Is it ethical, though it may be legal, to tear someone from the only place they have known as home? What is home? What  does that word really mean? Do you lose the claim to call a place home when you leave it for an undefined period? Can you claim a place as home if it had no or little influence in your upbringing?

One thing is certain this film needs to be commended for tackling this theme and even more so this reality for many immigrants.

For more info on HOME AGAIN please visit their website and lookout for screenings in your area. Go to   http://bit.ly/1gbh8tz

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